
Narasimha,the half lion and half man,avatar appeared in satyuga,and it is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.Hiranya kashyapu after impressing lord Brahma acquired a boon,according to which he cannot be killed by any human nor animal,god nor daitya(devil),nor in the morning or evening,inside nor outside of a house,nor with a weapon or any magic.Hiranya Kashyapu started a rage against Lord Vishnu in which he killed thousands of Vishnu's disciples,he also destroyed all the temples which were built to worship Lord Vishnu.Finally when he tried to kill his own son Prahlada who was a disciple of lord Vishnu,Vishnu avatar came out of a pillar,in the form of half man and lion which is nor a human nor an animal.Ripped his chest with his finger nails(which are not weapons by any means) sitting on the door's base(choukat as per hindu mythology) placing him on his lap which is nor inside nor outside the house.After killing Hiranya Kashyapu Narasimha asked his son Prahlada to take the responsibility of running the kingdom.