
Vamana is the fifth of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu which appeared in Treta Yug,Vamana took the form of a Dwarf to teach Bali a lesson.King Bali is the grand son of Prahlada,as his grand father he too was a great disciple of Lord Vishnu.Bali won all the three worlds,he defeated all the gods to win Swarglok and humbled them by thwarting them off Swarglok(Heaven).All the gods went to Lord Vishnu and pleaded for the help,then Vishnu promised to do something as Bali is his disciple he could not kill him but promised all the gods that he would teach him a good lesson.
Lord Vishnu went to king Bali in the form of a dwarf Saint while he was performing a great yagna.By seeing the Brahman,Bali felt pity asked the dwarf Brahman(Vishnu) to ask for a boon whatever the wish might be,he would present him with that,Brahman asked for a three foot land.Bali giggled and agreed upon it.Brahman covered the whole land by one foot and the Universe by the other,then he asked where should i put my third foot then Bali requested Brahman to put the foot on his head so that he can keep his word.Impressed by his act Lord Vishnu asked Bali to rule the under earth world(Paatal lok) as he won the sky and the earth from him,Bali agreed to do so.And the god's king Indra resumed his rule over heaven(Swarglok) again.