Vishnu Dashavatar

Vishnu Dashavatar
The ten famous Incarnations of Lord Vishnu are collectively known as "Dashavatar".


Dharma means one's righteous duty.Dharma is the eternal truth of the universe that every human being has to follow to reach the Almighty.
Whenever the human race was in trouble Lord Vishnu has taken an Avatar on the earth and freed human beings from the sufferings and excruciations.

List of Lord Vishnu's Avatars
The first four avatars Matsya,Kurma,Varaha, and Narasimha were seen in Satyuga.Next three Avatars Vamana,Parashurama,Rama were seen in Treta Yuga and the eight one Krishna was seen in Dwapar yuga.Kalyuga has seen a Buddha avatar and the final one Kalki avatar is yet to come,according to shastras.